Cancer is an attention-getter!
I just completed a long series of radiation treatments for cancer. Nothing can bring cause for pause like the dreaded "C" word. I have noted several things about myself and others over the past few months since that diagnosis. My view of life, as well as my view of the after-life, have been sharpened. I think I see the big picture more clearly, and don't sweat the small things nearly as much. I want to spend time with those I love, and do the things I truly enjoy. Fortunately, I am at a point in my life (retirement) when I have the time and resources to do many of those things.
In my treatments, I have lived with and spent time with other cancer patients and their caregivers. There seems to be a common thread. We are quickly drawn much closer in relationship with each other and more focused on our faith in God. There is an old saying from WWII days "there were very few atheists in the foxholes!" Well, there are apparently very few atheists among cancer patients as well! It has been surprising, but very pleasing, to meet so many people from such varied backgrounds who seem to almost all have a deep faith in the Lord.
Why does it take a major crisis for some of us to pause and take stock? I have even wondered if God sometimes gives us challenges to get our attention focused on things eternal. They certainly have that effect in any case. The Bible is replete with admonitions to stay focused on the Lord, not on ourselves. Solomon summed it up as "fear God, and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man." Jesus said, in referring to concerns about our life, even what we eat and drink, or wear, to "seek first his kingdom, and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." Somehow that advice just sails over us and we spend our lives striving vainly for earthly gain while mostly ignoring the God who created it all. May we all pause and take stock of our lives. I am so thankful for all that God has done in my life, and I am confident of His presence and loving care during these remaining days, and His promise of life eternal with Him when this earthly life ends. Life is good! God is great!