Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Why must America allow gross ugliness in the name of "free enterprise"?

Blogs shouldn't just be places where we can blow off steam about our pet peeves, but...doggone it, I have to blow off some steam about one of mine.

My wife and I just returned from a vacation to southern England and I was struck once again by the contrast between almost any other developed country and ours in terms of the appreciation for aesthetics. As we drove along the motorways in England we saw lovely farms, gorgeous landscapes, just natural beauty all around. It was breath-taking at times. Then it dawned on me. I was NOT seeing any billboards or other ugly signs, no abandoned automobiles or farm equipment rusting away, no litter at all. As we entered cities, towns, and villages, we saw enchanting views at every turn. Attractive storefronts, many flower baskets hanging on lamp posts and on building window sills, well-maintained landscaping, etc. No ugly signs, only modest signs which clearly pointed out places of business without overwhelming us. Parking was carefully controlled, so that although very crowded in many cases, there was order and not mayhem in the parking lots and on the streets.

None of those businesses seemed to be lacking in customers; business seemed to be thriving. Farming seemed to be doing well. All around things were working fine without all the clutter of ugliness we are bombarded with each day. That picture does not happen by accident. Those countries have laws regulating littering, signage, and most other issues and they strongly enforce those laws. We actually have anti-littering laws. Have you ever known anyone to be charged under those laws? I haven't. We seem to have punted on that point. We also have this mindset that we should never interfere with business. "What's good for General Motors is good for the USA!" was the famous saying of long ago. Well, is that true? Does giving business carte blanche to police themselves result in a better America? I don't think so. The only reason any business does not pollute more is the laws we have in place controlling pollution. There is not one shred of evidence that business will police itself. Their focus is the bottom line. Period. Yet we seem to want desperately to believe that they will, and many of our leaders act on that "wish".

On the motorways, there were no awful-looking wrecks still being driven with smoke pouring from the tailpipe, missing mufflers and other parts, etc. All autos must meet strict inspections to even be driven, and all drivers must be well-trained to even drive. It makes a wonderful difference! All those wrecks also have to be re-cycled; not left to rust on cinder blocks and littered around the yards of homes. I have never seen that littered ugly image in all my travels in Europe and elsewhere; just in the good ole USA. Why is that?!

This same issue is seen in how we dispose of trash and garbage. We have large and usually unsightly garbage and trash receptacles in public view and with little control of aesthetics. We do have modest recycling programs in most cities in this country, but it is voluntary in almost all cases, and as a result only a small minority of the population practice recycling. In many other countries, it is mandatory and everyone participates. The difference is immense in so many ways. Not only are there large monetary savings possible, but also environmental and aesthetic impacts are very significant. Some have made all this a political issue in this country, so that if one is concerned about their environment and aesthetics, they are branded a left-wing liberal "tree-hugger" and ridiculed. How pathetic is that!

Well, I realize this blog is only cathartic for me and will not change a thing. Nevertheless, I feel better for having vented. I know few will even read this, but I wanted to shout it out anyway! We as a nation deserve better. We simply don't have enough gumption to say ENOUGH to all the ugliness and insist on a better way. Maybe our children will care more--or their children. There does seem to be an awareness among the young that our environment is fragile and in danger. Maybe there is hope for the future. That is a positive thought to end on.


At Thursday, August 14, 2008 3:33:00 PM, Blogger Steve said...

Hopefully the growing "Green Movement" will lose it's tree-hugger moniker and encompass more than just a move away from fossil fuels. We really are a "nasty" country.


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